Professionally …

I am a qualified coach and a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy.

I am an NLP MasterClass assistant to Paul McKenna on his online and live events.

Personally …

I am a mother, a wild swimmer, a golfer, a singer, a reader, a linguist.

I’m divorced. My ex used to tell me my music was too loud. Now I sing at the top of my voice. I have the useless ability to remember song lyrics so be warned - I am liable to break out into song or quote lyrics at any moment.

I restore my sanity by getting in the car, fastening my seatbelt, cranking up the music and going for a drive. There’s nothing better than an adventure to get you back on track and realise there’s a big, wide world of opportunity out there.

I was addicted to the self help books in my local bookstore and it seemed a natural progression to study Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy. The change in me was powerful. I learned to relax, to deal with stress, and I learned that this was something I wanted to share.

I have a thirst for keeping up with the latest research on the mind body connection, and each new training and technique brings a further understanding of the biggest supercomputer ever built - the human brain.

The Logo

My Brighter Mind logo represents the infinity sign. It represents the mass of neural pathways in the brain that get switched on by our thoughts and actions, it suggests the confusion and the winding path we follow in everyday life, the ups and the downs and the pull between the positive and negative. It also says that, though the path may be winding with many twists and turns, we will always find our way back.

“You don't get to discover the depth of the ocean until you jump in. You can sit on the wall and talk about the water, the fish and everything that might be down there, but you've got to jump.”

- Dean Graziosi